Special treat: The doctor is in

Vertical has posted a sample chapter of Osamu Tezuka’s Black Jack on their site. You may remember that Viz published two volumes of stories back in the day; Vertical is doing it the Vertical way, which means hefty, 300-page volumes, high production standards, and the stories arranged in the order Tezuka specified for the Japanese deluxe edition. So check out the sneak peek and see if it’s just what the doctor ordered.

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  1. Really engaging stuff from Tezuka. Loving the artwork as usual. Suprised to hear the BJ books are going to be 300 pages each… Christ, Tezuka sure done a lot on him.

  2. That link seems funky, too.

  3. Fixed it. The internets are not on my side today.

  4. Hey Brigid…

    I also found this link funky


  1. […] got a few items on the required reading list today, but it was Brigid’s tip over at MangaBlog that made me decide this had to go up […]