Breaking news: Yen Plus goes online only, Croquis replacements on the way

Two things, quickly: Yen Plus magazine is ending its print edition and going to a digital-only format. Kurt Hassler breaks the news at the Yen Press site.

Also: If you are one of the people who got a faulty copy of Croquis—some copies had some of the pages printed in German—and requested a replacement, your wait is over. I checked in with Tokyopop marketing director Marco Pavia and he said there was a delay due to coordination between the printer and the warehouse, but he has good news:

I just got confirmation that the CROQUIS books will definitely be physically put in the mail next week. I’ll tweet on the day it’s leaving our hands next week. (There are probably a few hundred that sent us in a proof of purchase from a defective copy; we’re going to add a little something extra as a small thank you for everyone’s patience.)

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    Thank god Yen Press has decided to go in this direction.

  2. Brigid! You’re awesome!! Thanks!


  1. […] about Yen Press’s announcement that Yen+ will be going digital this summer. Brigid Alverson broke the news, and Gia Manry solicited further details from Kurt Hasseler. I understand fans’ […]