Ladies' day

Is “ladies comics” an idea whose time has come? Ed has more info on the new titles from the new publisher, Aurora, which has sparked this latest round of discussion. David Welsh speculates a bit, and the commenters join in. The Engine is abuzz as well. (Via Icarus Comics.)

The latest MangaBlogCast is up; I’ll post links later today. Also at the MangaCast: Jarred has another entry in the Manga Draft, Shin Angyo Onshi.

Interesting interview with Kelly Sue DeConnick on Newsarama, in which she talks about her new project, the process of manga adaptation, her opinions on global manga, and more.

The Japan Times interviews manga-ka Rieko Saibara. (Via Journalista.)

Bad news for Simon Jones and his colleagues, as well as their fans: A printer is refusing to print hard-core manga. (Link is NSFW, of course!)

ChunHyang72 rounds up the latest from Tokyopop.

Johanna Draper Carlson muses on the usefulness of how-to-draw-manga books.

In this week’s Flipped column, David Welsh does some comparison shopping for manga. In other shopping news, John Jakala explores his local bookstores.

ComiPress translates part of a Japanese article on prevention of child pornography, the part that deals with manga. The speaker calls for manga to be held to “international standards,” although it’s not clear what that means.

What’s weirder than a Yoshida Sensha gag manga? A parody of a Yoshida Sensha gag manga.

Matt Brady admits that he reads Shojo Beat, and he explains why, with screenshots and reviews of all the manga currently running in the magazine. This is not the Matt Brady from Newsarama, by the way. His blog, Warren Peace Sings the Blues, contains witty commentary on a broad spectrum of comics, including manga, so I have added it to the blogroll.

Otaku News takes a peek at a new art book from Abrams, Hokusai: First Manga Master.

Reviews: Danielle Van Gorder takes a look at vol. 1 of Peppermint for AoD. At Comics Worth Reading, Johanna finds that vol. 4 of Yakitate!! Japan springs a few surprises. At Yet Another Comics Blog, Dave Carter reviews Emma, Dr. Slump, and Project X: Cup Noodle. Mangamaniac Julie likes vol. 2 of Recipe for Gertrude better than the first volume. Active Anime’s Holly Ellingwood reviews vol. 1 of Shakugan no Shana and Shakugan no Shana the novel, and Christopher Seaman takes a look at the Samurai Champloo Roman Album. At Slightly Biased Manga, Connie reads vol. 5 of Boy Princess and vol. 4 of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch.

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  1. Maybe now SOMEONE will publish some Saimon Fumi…

  2. That review of Gertrude’s made me interested in checking out the series alone.. if I just have to buy more than one volume at a time, I’ll be more than happy to do that.

  3. How-to draw manga books are crap. The only one I can say is really good is Haruno Nagamoto’s book, Draw Your Own Manga. The rest suck, alot. First off, before you learn to draw manga, you should learn how to draw. Seriously, a half semester high school course is better than just buying a how-to book. Next, you should get the classic literature you need. How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way is awesome. After that, practice makes perfect.

  4. Thanks for the link, and for adding me to your blogroll! I noticed a huge upsurge in hits today, and it was due to your link. So thanks for sending traffic my way! Now I’ll have to try to talk about manga more often…

  5. I’ve always wondered about those “How to Draw manga” books… Actually, I should say, I’ve always doubted those books.

    I am completely lacking in talent when it comes to drawing, and I don’t think any book could teach me. ;)

    By the way, this is a great site. I’m glad I found it.
