Quick links

ANN has the top ten manga in Japan for last week.

At Icarus Comics, Simon Jones points out that a magazine that is barely breaking even with a circulation of 2 million is not a business model other countries should emulate.

David Welsh turns up some interesting links to start the day.

ComiPress has the latest news from Japan: the Japanese Go Association and the Go Shogi Life Corporation have established a Y1 million prize for the best manga about the game of Go; the Kawasaki City Museum is hosting a manhwa exhibit; and manga-ka Shibayama Kaoru has died at the age of 43.

The newest member of the MangaCast crew, alierarobot, posts a brief introduction and list of favorites.

Reviews: Pata has a new Right Turn Only!! column up, with reviews of an eclectic range of manga including Avril Lavigne’s Make 5 Wishes and Sexy Voice and Robo. Anime on DVD posts their Small-Bodied Manga Reviews as well. At the Mangamaniaccafe, Julie checks out vol. 1 of Queens. At Prospero’s Manga, Miranda gives low marks to vol. 1 of Tactics, but Ferdinand finds some redeeming features in vol. 1 of Murder Princess. And at Manganews, Floating Sakura reviews vol. 2 of Old Boy, Kiara reads vol. 3 of Lunar Legend Tsukihime, and Jiji checks out vol. 1 of The Twelve Kingdoms.

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  1. They already have a great manga about Go, Hikaru no Go. They want another one? Greedy bastards ;)